Group Minimum:
Following two extended, sold-out downtown engagements, Max Wolf Friedlich’s play Job is now this
summer’s “chic, relentless Broadway thriller. Job is extremely effective, often funny, with excellent
performances.” – The New York Times
After being placed on leave following a viral incident, Jane would do anything to return to her Big Tech–company job. But as the therapist who needs to authorize it, Loyd suspects her work might be doing more harm than good.
Starring Tony Award® nominee Peter Friedman (Ragtime, “Succession”) and Sydney Lemmon (Tár, “Fear the Walking Dead”), “Job is very provocative, stimulating, and daring—you won’t be bored for a
millisecond” (Chicago Tribune). Don’t miss this “electrifying” (Variety), strictly limited engagement, on
Broadway through October 27 only.

Running Time
Group Tickets
Helen Hayes Theatre
from $50
80 minutes
Student Group Tickets
240 W 44th Street
New York, NY 10036
from $49
Call or email 321 Group Sales for more information or to book group tickets.
Please include your desired performance date and ticket quantity.